Addiction Treatment Pineville, LA

Red River Treatment Center at Pineville

Welcome to a new way of living.

At Red River Treatment Center in Pineville, we help individuals struggling with drug abuse and addiction find a support system with proven treatment methods and reliable medical staff on hand to help them through their recovery.

In this judgment-free space, we provide our patients with a second chance, helping them through each step of recovery, allowing them to live a sober lifestyle again.

What is a Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction is characterized by the use and abuse of a substance that cannot be controlled. (1) This may cause certain mental disorders such as anxiety or depression to develop or worsen, and can evoke strong mood swings.

Drug addiction can cause an individual’s lifestyle to degrade, harming their relationships, social standing, work ethic, and cause significant changes in behavior.

“Addiction threatens the health of the individuals involved as well as those around them.”


Drug dependence is different from addiction, but it is often a precursor. Dependence comes with withdrawal symptoms and cravings when you attempt to quit the substance, further solidifying the feeling.

When a user becomes addicted to a drug, whether it is widely available or illicit, their actions and thoughts may be increasingly focused on this substance.

Can Drug or Alcohol Addiction Be Treated?

Yes, a drug or alcohol addiction can be treated. It is best if the addiction is treated earlier, rather than later, as addiction can have varying degrees of severity as well.

Fortunately, with professional help, more proven methods of treatment are becoming available every year, and more people are recovering from drug and alcohol addiction than ever before, becoming self-reliant again and reclaiming the lives they led before substance abuse set in.

What Drugs Lead to Addiction?

Not all drugs are highly addictive, but if an individual is predisposed to addiction or is using certain substances to self-medicate other needs, it can still become an addiction.

Any type of substance that alters their experience or feelings can become an addiction, which is why prescription drugs should never be used by individuals they are not prescribed to, and recreational substances should be treated with caution.

There are, however, other drugs that are considered highly addictive, and can cause cravings in even the most addiction-resistant individuals, such as opiates, heroin, nicotine, cocaine, and alcohol.

What Is Substance Abuse Disorder?

Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD) is commonly used as another term for addiction, but it encompasses a wider range of severity. Full addiction and dependency on a substance are considered the most severe stage of substance abuse disorder.

Less severe cases of SUD may involve lower levels of dependency, but may not include addiction. These lower levels of dependency are still concerning, as SUD can be accompanied by – or worsen – other mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Without proper treatment and therapy, these effects can become a feedback loop and worsen each other. Likewise, SUD may increase the likelihood of developing a mental illness such as depression or anxiety, even if the individual has no history of this type of mental disorder.

What are the Signs of Substance Abuse?

In the beginning, it can be difficult to spot signs and symptoms of substance abuse. This often comes in the form of unusual irritability, dilated pupils or bloodshot eyes, loss of coordination, or withdrawal from social obligations or hobbies.

As the dependency grows and addiction takes hold, however, it can become more obvious as the individual becomes more reclusive from loved ones, with more dramatic mood swings and difficulty functioning without their abused substance.

An increase in risk-taking and dangerous behaviors can also be a big indicator of drug abuse, as they are more willing to drive under the influence to continue their daily routine while in denial of the addiction or engage in illicit activity to obtain more of the substance.

Interested in One of Our Facilities?

Red River Healthcare spans across Louisiana with 2 treatment center locations. Every location is equipped with recovery programs that include residential and outpatient options. Book a tour of one of our facilities today.

Who is at Risk for Substance Abuse?

Those most at risk are individuals who are seeking out the substance as a way to cope with emotional, physical, or sexual trauma. The substance may allow them to hide from these memories and feelings and quickly develops into a dependency.

Teens and young adults are also at a greater risk of substance abuse as they explore the world and interact with new social groups, and have a strong desire to fit in. They may be subject to peer pressure or curious about how the drug will make them feel.

Older adults, or individuals with chronic medical conditions may also be more at risk for abusing prescription medications, particularly painkillers. These individuals may accidentally become addicted to medication given to recover from a medical procedure.

Why Do People Struggling with Substance Abuse Need More Over Time?

As dependence on a certain substance develops, the user may find themselves developing a tolerance. In this circumstance, they are chasing the same high that the drug first gave them, but frequent use has dulled the effects as the brain begins to adjust to the routine.

Once the brain has adjusted to the routine, the tolerance grows, and a larger dose is needed to obtain the same feelings that are associated with the drug. This is not just a conscious decision, but the craving may not be satiated without this feeling.

This cycle of a rising tolerance and higher dosage continues to repeat itself until the single-dose reaches dangerous or even lethal amounts, resulting in an overdose. A higher tolerance does not mean that the body can withstand more of the toxic substance, just that it takes more to achieve the same feeling.

Is it Possible to Get Out of Addiction?

Yes, it is possible to get out of addiction with the help of a professional. While it may take time to find the right treatment methods for the individual, the Red River Healthcare addiction treatment center at Pineville provides the necessary programs and counseling options for individuals to truly heal from their addiction.

By providing the necessary counseling and therapeutic meetings in a safe and controlled environment, individuals can learn how to reshape thought patterns and create a positive attitude towards recovery.

With assistance from these long-term mental tools and habits, our patients learn how to cope with their cravings and addiction for themselves. The goal is eventually, with enough support and treatment, to allow the individual to heal from their addiction and grow as a person. This growth then allows them to self-regulate in the real world, and fully recover from addiction without needing support from medications or additional counseling or therapy.

Successful Treatment Options for Addiction

At the Red River Healthcare facility, we provide the successful addiction treatment Pineville is looking for. We help patients overcome their addiction through strategic, tailored treatment programs that help meet their needs.

Unlike other facilities, you don’t have to feel like you are in a sterile medical environment. Our facility is homely and comfortable, whether you are entering a residential addiction treatment program, or are just coming in for appointments during an intensive outpatient program.

During the residential addiction treatment program, we help patients develop healthy habits, encouraging early bedtimes and early waking times, providing healthy entertainment, and frequent counseling and meetings to help provide insight on addiction and how it can be overcome.

We provide a detoxification program as well, allowing patients to detox in a safe and controlled environment with oversight from trained staff members.

Partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient are options for the recovering individual that has maintained employment or a functional social life, or who has seen enough success with other treatment options to begin re-integrating into a healthy lifestyle outside of the treatment facility.

Finding a Rehabilitation Center

Finding a trustworthy rehabilitation center doesn’t have to be difficult. While addiction can be difficult to spot or come to terms with, is important to seek treatment as early as possible. (2) A reliable rehab center like Red River Healthcare provides addiction treatment Pineville residents have found success with for years.

As a member of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers, and approved by the Louisiana Department of Health, our facility is tailored to helping patients overcome their addiction and provide a space for them to express their feelings in an open and accepting environment.

“Just like with any other disease when treatment is offered early the probability of a positive outcome is greatly increased. This means the earlier into their addiction a person has treated the greater likelihood the treatment will be successful.”

– Huffpost

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, don’t wait to seek help. Addiction doesn’t have to be severe or debilitating to affect your quality of life. Contact us today to learn more about our treatment options, obtain a program guide, or schedule a tour of the facility today.

Is There Medication for Addiction?

Yes, certain medications can alleviate cravings or deter the user from using certain substances.

These medications may mimic the effects of addictive drugs, binding to the same or similar receptors in the brain which can help alleviate cravings or withdrawal symptoms, without giving the user the high that the drug produces. This lowers their desire for the drug and helps create a tapered withdrawal process.

This is especially important with substances that have prolonged withdrawals, or if the withdrawals are difficult on the body.

These medications help provide a stable and gentle withdrawal experience, rather than subjecting the patient to going cold turkey, especially after severe drug use.

For alcoholism, medications can help prevent anxiety or block certain neuroreceptors from creating pleasurable effects in the body. Other medications are preventative, causing the individual to become nauseous and vomit if they ingest alcohol, producing a negative experience around the substance.

Other medications, like anti-anxieties, anti-depressants, or medications to prevent cramps and seizures may be prescribed to support their withdrawal or recovery.

How Long Do Withdrawals Last?

How long a withdrawal lasts in detoxification treatment can depend on the type of drug abused, and the severity of the usage. Typically, withdrawal symptoms can appear within a few hours after last use, or within a few days.

Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol, including delirium and tremors, can take up to a week, sometimes longer.

Symptoms from other drugs such as short-acting opioids, which includes certain prescription medications and “street drugs” like heroin, can begin within a few hours of last use, making them highly addictive and difficult to withdraw from without proper detoxification treatment. These symptoms can last anywhere from four to ten days from last use before fading.

Long-acting opioids, such as methadone, may take a few days for symptoms of withdrawal to appear, and often fade within two weeks after last use.

Withdrawal symptoms from benzodiazepines, such as Xanax, can begin within a day from last use but may take almost a week to appear in some cases. These symptoms peak in the first two weeks and slowly fade. In some cases, symptoms of withdrawal may linger without proper treatment, which is why it is important to detox in a proper rehabilitation facility.

What Happens During Addiction Treatment?

The prospect of rehabilitation and treatment can leave users feeling anxious and uncertain about their future. At our facility, we do our best to reduce anxiety in patients and facilitate an emotionally open and accepting space where everyone can explore their feelings and share their journey with recovery.

Depending on which treatment programs are recommended by your drug counselor, treatment may start with different types of counseling, and inpatient stays in the rehabilitation center to help you through tough withdrawal symptoms or start a medication to deter drug or alcohol use.

The severity of the addiction can change whether an inpatient stay is necessary, as intensive outpatient therapy and partial hospitalization programs are available as well as residential addiction treatment and detoxification. If the user is currently employed and has social obligations that prevent an inpatient experience, then outpatient or combination methods may be a better fit for their needs.

These treatment programs are designed to address the causes of addiction and work towards recovery one step at a time, helping rebuild lost relationships or heal from emotional scars that are preventing progress.

Addiction Treatment Pineville: Your Solution to Addiction

When you set foot in our treatment center, you become a part of the family. We provide the solutions you need to treat addiction in a gentle and effective way, providing the support you need to live a better life.

You deserve to enjoy life to its fullest potential without worrying about addiction looming over your shoulders. Once we find the right treatment method for you, we’ll work with you on the road to recovery to help break the cycle of addictive habits and uncover the reason behind your substance abuse. This, along with therapy sessions and group counseling, ensures that you have the tools necessary to combat cravings and habits long after you leave the facility.

See how we can help you live a better life free from addiction today. Give us a call to schedule a tour of the facility.


1. com, What’s The Difference Between Bad Habits and Addiction?,

2. Huffpost, The Expert Guide to Treating Drug Addiction,